Land Use and Planning Department
Role of the Council as Planning Authority
The main function of the Land Use and Planning Department is development control within the administrative jurisdiction of the Grand Port Savanne District Council Area. Development control is the means by which communities regulate changes to their environment. As the local planning authority the District Council is concerned that the environment of Grand Port Savanne is enhanced and protected whilst at the same time allowing the development necessary for its economic and social advancement to take place in an acceptable way.
Responsibility of the Land Use and Planning Department
The Land Use and Planning Department is responsible for:
1. The issue of Building and Land Use Permit
2. Enforcement under the Town & Country Planning Act, the Building Act and the Planning & Development Act 2004.
3. Making recommendations to the Morcellement Board of the Ministry of Housing and Lands for all applications for sub-division of land within the 2 districts.
4. Making recommendations to the Land Conversion Committee of the Ministry of Agro – Industry & Fisheries for all applicants for land conversion within the 2 districts.
5. Making recommendations to the Ministry of Environment for all applications for an E.I.A. Licence/P.E.R. within the 2 districts.
Before submitting applications
Before submitting applications it is advisable that the staff of the Department be contacted for advice on how to fill in the applications forms, the guidelines that have to be followed and the required plans.
An officer is available during office hours to provide general information and advice.
In case of a specific proposal it is advisable to make an appointment so that enquiry can be dealt with more promptly and effectively.
For a large or complex application, a meeting with the Head, Land Use and Planning Department is strongly recommended.
Prior to the submission of a detailed application for a major development, an application for an Outline Planning Permission may be submitted. Outline Planning Applications allow for a decision on the type of development proposed and on the general principles of how a site can be developed. When an Outline Planning Permission is granted, details of the proposed development to be approved are provided by a further application for approval of reserved matters for later when an application for a BLP is made.
Application forms/guidelines
Applications forms and guidelines are available at the Land Use and Planning Department and may be downloaded from Downloads Section on this website